Joint Pain
The sacroiliac joint is a large, stiff joint between the back of the spine and the pelvis. There are two sacroiliac joints, one on each side. These muscles play a major role in transferring weight from the upper body to the hips and legs, thus causing many problems in daily life. It acts as an attractor and is supported by many strong bonds. The sacroiliac joint is supplied by several muscles that can be painful when irritated.
What causes sacroiliac joint pain?
Sacroiliac joints do not allow much movement as both too much and too little movement can become a source of pain. Some of the causes of SIJ pain include
- Trauma/ injuries involving the joints or the surrounding ligaments such as following a fall on the buttock or a road traffic accident.
- Mechanical stress due to various reasons such as previous spinal fusion surgery or leg length discrepancy leading to altered weight bearing. As per some studies 75% of patients with previous fusion surgery can develop SIJ degeneration after 5 years.
- Inflammation. Sacroiliitis is a term used inflammation of the sacroiliac joint. Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of inflammatory arthritis which can affect the SIJ and the spine. This is seen more commonly in young men. In severe cases it can cause fusion of the sacroiliac and spinal joints leading to pain with reduced range of motion.
- Normal wear and tear (degenerative changes.) These are more common with advancing age.
- Infections and tumors are fortunately not as common as the other causes of sacroiliac pain.
Plasma-rich plasma (PRP) uses components of the blood (plasma) to trigger the healing response. It works on the principle that more plasma in the area can support the body’s healing process. PRP is prepared by running human blood through a machine to separate the platelets and inject them into areas that need healing, such as the sacroiliac ligaments. Depending on the severity of the injury and healing response, multiple injections are usually given into the injured area and repeated over time if necessary.